da Marco Vergani | Dic 4, 2019 | Impatriate workers
An approved amendment to the 2019 Budget Law decree (actually still under parliament discussion) will anticipate the major tax discounts for impatriate workers who return to Italy after a period of at least two years spent abroad.
According to Decree Law 34/2019 the changes would have been applied only to workers who had transferred their tax residence to Italy starting from 2020.
Instead, as a result of the amendment, the benefits will be granted not only to Italian and foreign workers, who will transfer their residence from 2020, but also to those who have done so since 2019 April 30th, thus including in the first year of facilitation the 2019 incomes.
According to the italian tax rules the workers must be registered in one of the Italian municipalities and, to be considered tax residents, they will have to stay in Italy for at least 183 days (or 184 in the event of a leap year, as in 2020).
The incentive, in the “old” version, consisted of a 50% discount on taxable income for a maximum of 5 years starting from the one of the transfer of the residence in Italy.
The “enhanced” version introduced by Law Decree 34/2019 starts from the same 5 years duration but rises to 10 for workers who have at least one child who is underage or fiscally dependent or who also become owners of a property in Italy from the year preceding the transfer . The incentive consists in a taxable income reduction by 70%, and it may be extended to a 90% discount for the first 5 years for those who will move to one of the eight South regions; in the second five-year period the discount will be increased to 90% for those who have at least 3 children underage or fiscally dependent.
Our firm can assist international clients, as we do, not only to relocate their residence to Italy, but also to opt for the new resident not domiciled tax package. Contact us with confidence, we have experience about this matter.
da Marco Vergani | Nov 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
The new italian web tax introduced by the 2020 Budget Law is more in line with the directive proposal COM (2018) 148 final.
The global (750 million of generic revenues) and domestic (5.5 million of digital revenues) revenue thresholds are referred to the previous year to that of the tax application (therefore already 2019 for 2020) to verify the exceeding of the thresholds.
The tax base on which to apply the 3% tax is the total digital revenue generated everywhere multiplied by the percentage representing the part of these services connected to the italian territory. Therefore web companies must keep a specific accounting to collect monthly information on taxable income and to calculate the percentages of relevance of taxable revenues in Italy.
Unfortunately the Italian revenue threshold set at 5.5 million euro is too low compared to that of other markets similar in size to Italy; so groups with small non-core digital businesses are likely to be attracted to taxation, in contrast to the intentions of applying the tax to large web operators.
Moreover, the problem of double taxation has not been solved when the owner and manager of the web interface do not coincide. This point is present in the proposed EU directive, which clarifies how in these cases, to avoid double taxation, it is assumed that the owner of the digital interface has not provided the service.
da Marco Vergani | Nov 15, 2019 | E-commerce
The VAT legislative package on electronic commerce will be operational in all Member States on 1 January 2021.
The European Parliament concluded the consultation procedure yesterday, approving the amendments to the VAT Directive (2006/112 / EC) formulated by the European Commission with the 11 December 2018 proposal.
With this proposal the Commission try to simplify the measures introduced by Directive 2017/2455 / EU, for web platforms which facilitate electronic commerce transactions carried out by taxable persons not established in the EU towards final consumers in the EU.
The Eu Commission, in order to combat the VAT evasion phenomenon, has provided, with directive 2017/2455, that from 1 January 2021 the electronic platforms (such as Amazon or Alibaba), facilitating distance sales of goods imported from third countries with less than 150 euros value or for intra-community sales, become at the same time buyers and transferors of goods with VAT payment obligation on them.
In practice, the good transfer is divided into two separate transfers, the first one between the non-resident merchant and the web platform (VAT payable in the EU) and the second one between the platform itself and the final customer.
The related VAT is paid by the platform with the MOSS special regime.
The recent changes proposed by the European Commission will provide for:
- the extension of the special regime to the domestic supplies that electronic interfaces should do for stocks held by non-resident merchants in a given country in the event that these assets were sold in the same Member State;
- the exemption of the B2B transactions from the Ue non-taxable seller to the web platform with the right for such seller to deduct the VAT paid upstream for the purchase or importation of the sold goods.
da Marco Vergani | Set 16, 2019 | Music and taxation, Pagamenti on line
In qualità di gestore di una piccola etichetta indipendente carico brani musicali sulla piattaforma Soundreef . Gestisco pagamenti e incassi, praticamente tutti di modesto valore, tramite un mio account PayPal collegato al mio conto corrente bancario e alla mia carta di credito. Mi sono reso conto, però, che PayPal è una società estera e temo che le somme presenti ora e in futuro sul mio account possano essere considerate come detenute all’estero, e che gli eventuali trasferimenti al mio conto corrente possano essere considerati come un rientro di capitali, anche se ora modesti (ma spero più consistenti in futuro). Ho ragione di temere un intervento delle Entrate, o posso stare tranquillo, e continuare ad incassare le royalties musicali su Soundreef, tramite PayPal?
È opportuno evidenziare che, in via generale, l’obbligo di monitoraggio mediante il quadro RW (modello Redditi persone fisiche) non sussiste per i depositi e conti correnti bancari costituiti all’estero il cui valore massimo complessivo raggiunto nel corso del periodo d’imposta non sia superiore a 15mila euro (articolo 2, legge 186/2014). Resta fermo l’obbligo di compilazione del quadro, laddove sia dovuta l’Ivafe (imposta sul valore delle attività finanziarie detenute all’estero) in relazione a un valore medio di giacenza superiore a 5mila euro. In questo contesto si evidenzia, altresì, la non meglio definita natura tecnico–giuridica del sistema PayPal, che – salvo auspicabili interventi interpretativi formali, soprattutto di natura reddituale (che, diversamente da quanto avvenuto per i bitcoin, non ancora vengono riscontrati) – si qualifica come piattaforma on line di trasferimento di denaro, da e/o a favore dell’interessato, finalizzata in prevalenza alla transazione di beni e servizi tramite circuiti abilitati. Di fatto, opera come un conto corrente, sebbene giuridicamente non dovrebbe essere confuso con esso, non comportando obblighi, oneri o canoni, con anche la possibilità di pagare utenze, essendo associato preventivamente a un conto corrente ordinario oppure a una carta di credito. Pertanto, è da ritenere che nessuna implicazione possa sussistere circa il monitoraggio, mediante il quadro RW del modello Redditi Pf, delle disponibilità vincolate ai servizi offerti dalla piattaforma, la cui possibile “ubicazione” extraterritoriale del gestore non obbligherebbe il fruitore del servizio ai citati adempimenti.
Nonostante i dubbi interpretativi e, in virtù della contenuta entità degli importi da egli movimentati e cumulativamente assommati nel corso del periodo d’imposta, a mio parere dovrebbe, in ogni caso, ritenersi esonerato da obblighi di monitoraggio, in funzione delle franchigie alquanto significative, più sopra indicate, poste dalla norma.
da Marco Vergani | Set 9, 2019 | SIAE, Uncategorized
II Consiglio di Sorveglianza della SIAE nella riunione del 29 Giugno 2019 ha deliberato di riconoscere, agli iscritti al Fondo di Solidarietà che abbiano maturato il diritto a godere dell’assegno di professionalità antecedentemente al 31/12/2011, una somma una tantum. La liquidazione delle somme spettanti avverrà nel corso del 2019 previa espressa rinuncia dell’interessato nei confronti del Fondo di Solidarieta ad ogni pretesa e/o diritto e/o ragione per se e/o eredi e/o congiunti e/o aventi causa, basata sulle norme regolamentari antecedenti alle modifiche apportate dalla delibera commissariale 86/2011.
Per quanto riguarda il trattamento fiscale delle somme percepite occorre ricordare che le diverse sentenze che hanno riconosciuto il diritto dei soci aderenti al Fondo di Solidarietà SIAE a percepire l’assegno di professionalità, si basano sull’assunto che l’assegno stesso costituisca una prestazione previdenziale integrativa del trattamento pensionistico obbligatorio.
Pertanto l’assegno percepito una tantum è assimilabile ad un riscatto delle somme versate ad una forma di previdenza complementare.
Sulla base della normativa in vigore il trattamento fiscale per questa ipotesi è costituito dall’applicazione di una ritenuta d’imposta a titolo definitivo del 23%. Non occorrerà quindi dichiarare le suddette somme nel Modello Unico/730 in quanto già soggette a tassazione definitiva.
da Marco Vergani | Ago 27, 2019 | Impatriate workers
The recent “Decreto Crescita” (Law Decree 34/2019) has modified the regime of impatriates with regard for professional sportsmen. The new discipline – contained in article 16, paragraphs 5-quater and 5-quinquies of Legislative Decree 147/2015 – refers to the “athletes, coaches, technical sports directors and athletic trainers” professionals belonging to the following italian sports federations affiliated to the CONI: FIGC and Serie A leagues, B and C (soccer), Fip (basketball), Fci (cycling) and Fig (golf). A recent project of Law actually under discussion in the Parliament, establishes, moreover, that the figure of the «sports worker» must be identified, without distinguishing between amateur and professional activities.
These athletes could enjoy a tax exemption – for five years – of 50% of the their labour income or (self-employment), instead of the 70% established for the other employees. They can also benefit from the extension for a further five years, in the presence of at least one minor child or in the event of purchase of a residential property after transfer to Italy (or in the previous 12 months) without the obligation to maintain the property throughout the facilitated period (which could cause some abuse).
When the new impatriate regime for sportsmen will apply?
Article 3 of Law 91/1981 establishes that “the athlete’s performance against payment is the subject of an employment contract”. This presumption makes it possible to include in the favour regime all sums for any reason received, including bonuses and prizes.
In Circular 17 / E / 2017 it was specified that the favour regime is also due to the income related to the activities performed abroad (for example for international competitions) of less than 183 days in the year and that in order to benefit the expatriates must submit a written request to the employer.
The sport contract is considered, instead, self-employment if at least one of the following requirements is met:
- the activity is carried out in the context of a single sporting event or of several events linked together in a short period of time;
- the athlete is not contractually bound to carry out preparatory or training sessions;
- the service, although continuous, does not exceed eight hours per week or five days each month or 30 days each year.
In the latter case (which includes the sports services rendered in favor of the National Teams) the related incomes are considered assimilated to employment work.
The new regime has allowed the application of benefits also to professional athletes – thanks to the elimination of the requirements of high specialization and qualification previously requested – and has facilitated the purchase of athletes, Italian or foreign, coming from abroad.
It is not clear, however, why athletes engaged in other sports and other subjects operating in the sector – such as, for example, sports agents or attorneys – or in different sectors, can fully benefit of the 70% tax reduction.
However I think it would have been preferable to provide for all taxpayers concerned a reduction in the tax rate based on the increase in taxable income, as is the case, for example, in Spain in the context of the “new resident” discipline approved in 2014.
The new impatriate rules will also apply to the sponsorship compensations?
The application of the new impatriate regime places some interpretative difficulties in the presence of compensation for sponsorships and in the case of players’ loans.
The compensation coming from technical sponsors is attributable to the employment relationship if the sportsman sells to society the right of economic exploitation of its image.
Instead, compensation for sponsorships contributes to the formation of self-employment income if the activity is carried out with professionalism and habituality.
In both cases it is possible to benefit from the impatriaite rules. In particular, the condition of the prevailing exercise of the activity in Italy must be respected (and should, to this end, refer to the place where the sporting and photo or video shooting events take place).
Our firm can assist international clients, as we do, not only to relocate their residence to Italy, but also to opt for the new resident not domiciled tax package. Contact us with confidence, we have experience about this matter.