da Marco Vergani | Ago 2, 2019 | E-commerce, IVA, VAT registration in Italy
The first electronic communication of distance sales made through the marketplace must be submitted by 31 October 2019, and includes the period from April to July 2019; if the electronic platform between 13 February and 30 April 2019 has also sold tablets, laptops, gaming consoles and cell phones, the related data will have to be recovered and transmitted. The law-decree 34/2019 (as implemented by the 31th July provision) requires companies which manage Internet marketplaces to transmit some data relating to suppliers on a quarterly basis.
Failure to transmit or send incomplete data shifts the Vat liability to the company responsible for sending the communication, unless he is able to prove that it was paid by the supplier. The provision also impose a ten-year timing for the conservation of documents relating to distance sales starting from the year in which the transaction was carried out.
In general, the communication must be submitted by all those operators who, using electronic platforms, perform activities as facilitators in the sale of goods, allowing buyers and suppliers to be put in contact, who sell goods through a marketplace. On the other hand, those who, while facilitating sales, are just carrying out only one of the following operations are expressly excluded: processing of payments; cataloging or advertising of goods; redirection or transfer of buyers to other electronic interfaces in which goods are sold, without further intervention in the sale.
The communication must therefore be transmitted by all companies, even if they are not residents in Italy, which facilitate distance sales of imported goods or distance sales of goods within the European Union, through the use of a electronic interface. In order to transmit the communication, non-resident companies without a permanent establishment in Italy, are deemed to VAT direct identification or use a tax representative resident in Italy.
For each supplier which has made at least one sale through a marketplace a series of data must be communicated: the data relating to the name or personal data, including residence or domicile, as well as the unique identifier used to make sales facilitated by the electronic interface; the total number of units sold in Italy and, at choice, the total amount of sales prices or the average sales price, expressed in euros.
da Marco Vergani | Giu 26, 2019 | E-commerce
The electronic commerce of goods is exempted from the obligation of issuing an invoice or fiscal receipt. The Revenue Agency, with Resolution 274 / E / 2009, stated that the e-commerce activity is similar to mail order sales and, therefore, is not subject to the obligation of issuing the invoice, if not requested by the customer, and not even the obligation of certification by issuing the tax receipt (article 22, paragraph 1, number 1, of Presidential Decree 633/1972 and article 2, of Presidential Decree 696/1996).
For these reasons, the seller can simply register the daily sales data without the need to issue any fiscal document.
The sale of goods via the Internet is also exempted from the obligation of electronic transmission of the daily sales data, based on the Ministerial Decree 10 May 2019.
da Marco Vergani | Mag 2, 2019 | Impatriate workers
Greater appeal to the tax regimes for impatriate workers (article 16 of the legislative decree 147/2015) with the norms foreseen by the recent Decree n. 34 (Decreto Crescita). In order to favor the return of these subjects to Italy, the Government has strengthened the existing relief measures, relying on the further reduction of the tax base and the extension of their duration.
For those who are resident and transfer their residence in Italy from the tax period following the date of entry into force of the decree, a further reduction in the tax base is foreseen, which goes from 50 to 70%; the income produced will compete for 30 percent.
Work activities – no longer in a managerial position or highly qualified or specialized – must be carried out in the Italian territory, but no longer necessarily in favor of a resident company or one of its subsidiaries. The tax periods of residence abroad prior to the transfer were then reduced from five to two. Confirmed the commitment to reside in Italy for at least two years post-repatriation. The favorable regime can be applied not only to employees, income assimilated and self-employed workers, but even to natural persons who start a business company from the tax period following 31 December 2019.
Italian citizens not registered in the Aire who have returned to Italy from the tax period following 31 December 2019 will also be able to access tax benefits as long as they have resided in another State with which there is an agreement against double taxation in the two periods tax prior to the transfer.
The facility is also extended for another five tax periods in the presence of at least one child who is a minor or dependent, even in pre-adoptive foster care, and the purchase of a residential property in Italy, even by the spouse, cohabitant or children, also in joint ownership.
The tax base is further reduced for the additional five tax periods in favor of workers who have at least three children who are minors or are dependent, even in pre-adoptive foster care, or who have transferred their residence to regions of Southern Italy (Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata , Calabria, Sardinia, Sicily).
For the facilitation of the return of the brains (reduction by 90% of the income perceived by teachers and researchers) the decree foresees the extension from four to six years of the duration for the subjects that transfer residency in Italy starting from the tax period following 31 December 2019. The duration of the favorable tax regime is further extended to eight years in the presence of at least one minor child or dependent child, including those in pre-adoptive custody, and the purchase of residential property in Italy, also by the spouse, cohabitant or children, also in joint ownership. The duration of the facility is elevated to 11 and 13 years in the presence of two or at least three children respectively. Italian professors and researchers not enrolled in the Aire who have returned to Italy from the tax period subsequent to 31 December 2019 will also be able to access the facilitation provided they have resided in another State with which there is an agreement against double taxation.
Our firm can assist international clients, as we do, not only to relocate their residence to Italy, but also to opt for the new resident not domiciled tax package. Contact us with confidence, we have experience about this matter.
da Marco Vergani | Apr 29, 2019 | Taxation in Italy, Web Tax
Last budget law (number 148/2018) has anchored the launch of the Italian Web Tax to a very precise timing, linked to the issue (by April 30th, precisely) of a series of measures.
In particular, a decree of the MEF in order to establish «the provisions for implementing the digital services tax “.
At the end of all this, and within 60 days of the Mef / Mise decree, the Italian Web Tax will become operational.
Actually the Mef / Mise decree has not yet been issued.
So, at best, the web tax would have started in the second half of the 2019, now any forecast appears to be risky and the possibility of another false start is far from being remote, as already happened with the rule set forth in previous year’s budget law (205/2017).
The tax on digital services designed last winter in some ways is in line with the work of the European Commission merged into the proposed directive of 21 March 2018. From a subjective point of view, the first condition for the application is identified in the exercise of a business activity.
It is also necessary to overcome, during the calendar year, a double threshold of revenues: the total amount, that is “global” of those realized (not less than 750 million euros) and the total revenues deriving from “digital media services »obtained in the italian territory, which must not be less than 5.5 million euros. The exceeding of the thresholds also takes place at the group level.
At the same time as these two conditions occur, the tax affects both non-resident companies and those resident in Italy, regardless of the nature of the customers, both business-to-business and business-to-consumer revenues.
The Italian web tax, as it was structured, affects all three areas of the digital economy, from e-commerce to multi-sided platforms such as Airbnb, Uber, Foodora, Blablacar, but also activities by Over the top, or the big web portals like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. In this case, users access the website for free, but in return they give the portals valuable personal information that is the new added value of the digital economy.
da Marco Vergani | Apr 15, 2019 | Impatriate workers
Agenzia delle Entrate clarifies how the italian special regime of the impatriate workers is applied. According to a recent interpellation (Ris. 904-107 / 2019), the regime also applies to workers returning to Italy and employed by the same employer after having been posted abroad for at least 24 months as long as it carries out different tasks and the return is the result of a new agreement.
Established by Legislative Decree 147/2015, the regime has undergone a couple of changes before settling – from 2017 – in its current formulation. In practice, the income from employment or self-employment produced in Italy by the worker contributes to the formation of his total income only for 50% of its amount (for the tax period in which the residence is transferred in Italy and for the four later).
The circular 17 / E (part II, par. 3.1) excludes the regime for workers posted abroad as their return, taking place in execution of the clauses of the pre-existing work contract, is in substantial continuity with the former position of workers resident in Italy and therefore does not meet the attractive purpose of the standard. However, resolution 76 / E clarifies that it is always possible to grant the regime in “specific hypotheses in which the return to Italy is not a consequence of the natural expiry of the posting but is determined by other elements functional to the ratio of the facilitating rule. Quoting, for example, the cases in which the posting has been repeatedly extended (so as to determine a relaxation of the links with the Italian territory) or those in which the return is not in continuity with the previous job position carried out in Italy.
The question discussed in the recent resolution concerns the case of a manager, an Italian citizen and an Italian company, who is in the following situation:
- he was seconded to the Singapore subsidiary, to develop the group’s presence in Southeast Asia;
- he has transferred residence abroad and qualifies as a non-resident subject for the 2016-18 tax periods;
- the posting formula was chosen to preserve the contributory position (on the one hand) and obtain the local work permit (on the other);
- the secondment contract, initially scheduled for the end of 2017, was renewed until December 31st 2018 and also provided for the possible relocation to other foreign companies of the group;
- the secondment contract was revoked in writing on 30 July 2018 and from the following 1 September the manager returned to Italy holding a different and more important position than the one he worked abroad.
Agenzia delle Entrate confirm the application of the favorable regime noting that, in the specific case, the requirements set by previous interpretation documents are respected. In fact, the posting was first extended and then interrupted earlier than the natural deadline; furthermore, the worker has shown that he has been assigned to tasks superior to the previous ones.
The clarification comes while the a recent decree (actually subject to a parliament discussion) prefigures an enhancement of the advantages for the workers who will transfer their residence in Italy from 2020. The hypothesis is to increase to 70% the tax reduction, applying the regime also to those who will work “mainly” in Italy and to those who will start here a company from 2020.
da Marco Vergani | Mar 4, 2019 | Assets immateriali
La cessione di asset intangibili (software, brevetti, marchi) prodotti internamente può dar luogo a due diverse modalità di tassazione: ordinaria o agevolata, quest’ultima nel caso in cui si sia optato per l’agevolazione patent box.
Tassazione ordinaria (rateizzata)
Nel primo caso (tassazione ordinaria) se il bene ceduto risulta funzionalmente strumentale all’attività, l’eventuale plusvalore costituirà una plusvalenza, eventualmente rateizzabile ex articolo 86 del Tuir;
se invece il bene è stato prodotto per la successiva rivendita o costituisce l’oggetto dell’attività economica, il corrispettivo ottenuto confluirà fra i ricavi, in applicazione della medesima norma del Testo unico.
Ma qual’è il valore rilevante ai fini fiscali per il calcolo dell’eventuale plusvalenza? Innanzitutto occorre ricordare che secondo una vecchia risoluzione delle Finanze del 10 agosto 1991 (protocollo 9/611) è possibile avvalersi della tassazione rateizzata anche in presenza di un bene immateriale che non sia mai stato contabilizzato o transitato dalla contabilità aziendale. E’ infatti sufficiente che il bene immateriale pur non iscritto in contabilità sia giuridicamente tutelato, determinando così una sorta di iscrizione virtuale dell’intangibile fra gli asset immobilizzabili del possessore. Relativamente alla determinazione del costo fiscale dell’intangibile da raffrontare con il corrispettivo pattuito per la cessione del medesimo bene immateriale, diviene fondamentale individuare l’esercizio dal quale far decorrere l’ammortamento fiscale.
A questo proposito l’Oic 24 dispone che l’ammortamento debba iniziare dal momento in cui l’intangibile sia disponibile e contestualmente pronto per l’uso. Questo tra l’altro significa che la capitalizzazione dei costi di sviluppo avrà luogo fino al momento in cui: in caso di realizzazione interna in economia, il progetto sarà completato; in caso di acquisto, quando l’impresa ne avrà acquisito la titolarità del diritto. A conferma di ciò, nella circolare n. 1 del 2008 della Guardia di finanza si indica come timing per il decorso dell’ammortamento «la data dell’acquisto del diritto, indipendentemente dall’utilizzazione».
Infine, rispetto al valore iniziale del bene immateriale, nessun problema sull’acquisto da terzi dell’intangibile, mentre qualche dubbio si pone sui beni costruiti in economia. Le difficoltà appaiono maggiori per effetto delle modifiche apportate alle modalità di rilevazione e contabilizzazione delle spese di ricerca, che dal 2016 non sono più capitalizzabili. Il legislatore afferma che la valutazione dei beni immateriali ottenuti anche tramite le spese di studio e di ricerca sostenute dall’azienda, deve avvenire logicamente non tenendo conto di quanto già spesato a conto economico.
Resta da precisare – e si rende opportuno un intervento chiarificatore – da quale momento l’azienda debba capitalizzare i costi per addivenire ad uno dei beni contemplati nel richiamato articolo 103 del Tuir. Per l’individuazione del passaggio fra le singoli voci di spesa alla voce «Immobilizzazioni immateriali in corso e/o di sviluppo» e successivamente ai singoli beni immateriali una volta completata la loro realizzazione, è possibile ricorrere all’Oic 24, in base al quale i costi sono capitalizzabili dal momento in cui inizia un progetto e diventa «ragionevolmente certo l’ottenimento della piena titolarità del diritto».
La tassazione agevolata da “patent box”
Nel caso di adesione al regime “patent box” è possibile esentare da tassazione le plusvalenze derivanti dalla cessione dei beni immateriali individuati dalla normativa (principalmente software protetti da copyright;
brevetti industriali; invenzioni biotecnologiche; brevetti; marchi d’impresa; disegni e modelli giuridicamente tutelabili; processi, formule e informazioni relativi ad esperienze acquisite nel campo industriale, commerciale o scientifico giuridicamente tutelabili).
L’agevolazione si applica sia alle plusvalenze realizzate nell’ambito di cessioni di beni immateriali a parti correlate (nazionali o estere), sia a quelle realizzate a seguito di cessione di beni immateriali a terze parti indipendenti.
L’agevolazione è subordinata alla circostanza che almeno il 90 per cento del corrispettivo derivante dalla cessione di tali beni sia reinvestito, prima della chiusura del secondo periodo di imposta successivo a quello nel quale si è verificata la cessione, nella manutenzione o nello sviluppo di altri beni immateriali della stessa natura. Tale requisito – espresso dall’articolo 1, comma 40, della legge n. 190/2014 – è stato meglio specificato dal Dm 30 luglio 2015, il cui articolo 10 prescrive che non solo il reinvestimento debba essere effettuato in attività di ricerca e sviluppo finalizzate allo sviluppo, mantenimento e accrescimento di altri beni immateriali della stessa tipologia, ma altresì che dette attività siano effettuate: direttamente dai soggetti beneficiari mediante contratti di ricerca da università o enti di ricerca e organismi equiparati; mediante contratti di ricerca da società, anche start up innovative, diverse da quelle che direttamente o indirettamente controllano l’impresa, ne sono controllate o sono controllate dalla stessa società che controlla l’impresa; mediante contratti di ricerca da società, anche startup innovative, che direttamente o indirettamente controllano l’impresa, ne sono controllate o sono controllate dalla stessa società che controlla l’impresa.